I have two different drones, an eBee and a Skydio. I would like to merge a project with images from both systems. The eBee image coordinates are WG84, and the Skydio is WG84 (EGM 96 Geoid), however. How can I convert the image coordinates so I can merge the projects?
Are the eBee images in WGS84 with height above the ellipsoid for elevations?
If so, apply the EGM96 undulation.
Load your images into Pix4D.
In image properties export the images coordinates and altitude using “To File”.
You now have a text file. Open it with Excel.
Save now in CSV.
Save a copy of this in CSV.
On the copy file,
Delete the Skydio images from this.
Delete the column with the image names.
Save as a CSV file.
Goto this site to have it apply the EGM96 undulation to each image using the CSV copy file: Geoid Height Calculator | Software | GAGE
Choose EGM96 with the 5 meter grid.
Copy the data and paste it into the original CSV to overwrite your old coordinates and elevations (Remember you are just overwriting the eBee images).
Process away.