I am using a Ebee Plus UAV with RTK. When processing I do not change anything in the input coordinate system. In the the output system, I change to the state plane system (in this case Illinois State Plane West FT) and change the height above the ellipsoid (in this case it is -98.392’ per https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/GEOID_STUFF/geoid12B_prompt1.prl). The processed images are significantly higher then they are supposed to be. I have GCPS and traditional survey data to compare. The difference was almost 223.61’… The data processed without the inclusion of GCP’s within DroneDeploy without issue (after the -98.932’ was applied). What am I messing up/missing? I have reprocessed 3 times to make sure it was nothing obvious.
I appreciate any help!
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Hello Edward,
Which version of the software are you using for processing?
We are aware of an issue of the vertical coordinate systems with the conversion between meter and feet in previous versions of the software. This was fixed in the 4.2.27, as you can see here.
Could you please download the 4.2.27 version and reprocess the project?
If you already use the 4.2.27, please post here the quality report of the project.
Hi Ed,
I’m having the same exact issue with the eBee RTK and Pix4D here in Florida. Did you ever reach a resolution? I’m using the current vers as mentioned above, and it still is giving conflicting elevations!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Mike,
To assist you in the most efficient way, could you create a support ticket and send us your quality report, log file, and 10-15 images of your project?
I updated the software and am having good success. I am frequently within 0.01’ or closer to actual surveyed points. Please feel free to reach out via email, eschmalfeld@dragonflyas.com with any additional questions you may have.