Cloud processing stuck


A relative smal map is stuck in processing online i can’t see a problem of any type.
the processing time was estimated on 1 hour it is now procssing for 5 hours?

please help me out.

or just have patients and faith in the software.

Greetz Levi

Hi Greetz,

Sorry to hear about it. I have reprocessed the project and the processing is completed. You can now access your results.


@Kapil_Khanal I also have a project that is stuck processing. Estimate was 1 hour, it has now been several days. I am frightened to delete it because i don’t know if i will be able to re-upload it after that, could you please let me know if deleting would help?

Thank you!

Hello @jameso, I don’t see any projects on your account that are pending. I believe it might have already finished processing.

Hi @Kapil_Khanal , no it is still pending. Here is the link:

it is in the project folder numbered 13018

Hi Kapil, i got the notification that it has been re-started server side by staff. Thank you so much!

Hi James,

Glad we were able to help. Thank you for your patience, and pardon the inconvenience.


@Jonathan_Dennis thank you!

this has happened again, albeit slightly differently. I now have a project that is returning just “error”, unspecified. No outputs available. There were 339 input images. I checked the FAQ on what to do, but nothing seemed relevant. Log text is as follows:

“[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Started skyseg with parameters profile PIX4Dcatch.
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Process memory usage before sky-segmentation is 127 MBs.
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] image_parallelism: 18
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_processes: 9
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_threads: 4
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] image_parallelism: 18
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_processes: 9
[2022-09-23 08:44:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_threads: 4
[2022-09-23 08:44:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Launched 9 CPU inference processes, each with n_threads=4
[2022-09-23 08:44:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] About to run surface coverage estimation on 339 images with portrait orientation.
[2022-09-23 08:44:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference_size: [224, 338]
[2022-09-23 08:44:17 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (3.1239376068115234 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:21 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6986773014068604 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:24 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6819748878479004 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:27 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6890718936920166 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:30 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.613006830215454 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:33 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6132028102874756 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:36 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.652808427810669 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:39 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.720184564590454 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:42 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.645749568939209 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:45 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6483447551727295 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:48 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.699521780014038 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:52 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.7288191318511963 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:55 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6905951499938965 s)
[2022-09-23 08:44:58 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6908118724823 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:01 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.723235845565796 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:04 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.6637091636657715 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:07 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.690924882888794 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:10 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.799542188644409 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 15 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (2.459815263748169 s)
[2022-09-23 08:45:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Moving on to fine-grained [‘sky’] segmentation for 45 images out of 339.
[2022-09-23 08:45:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] image_parallelism: 18
[2022-09-23 08:45:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_processes: 9
[2022-09-23 08:45:13 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference.n_threads: 4
[2022-09-23 08:45:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Launched 9 CPU inference processes, each with n_threads=4
[2022-09-23 08:45:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] About to run segmentation on 45 images with portrait orientation.
[2022-09-23 08:45:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] image_loading_size: [681, 1025]
[2022-09-23 08:45:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] nn_inference_size: [681, 1025]
[2022-09-23 08:45:14 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] crf_inference_size: [681, 1025]
[2022-09-23 08:45:43 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (28.372987031936646 s)
[2022-09-23 08:46:16 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 18 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (28.56951141357422 s)
[2022-09-23 08:46:34 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Ran inference for 9 images with batch_size=1 on CPU (14.478548049926758 s)
[2022-09-23 08:46:38 +0000][pix4dvortex.log:29][INFO] [Sky-segmentation] Process memory usage after sky-segmentation is 237 MBs.”

Please help!

the link to the dataset is here: PIX4Dcloud

Hi jameso,

Thank you for reporting this. We are aware of this behavior and are working on a permanent fix.

Currently, this issue seems to appear randomly. We have rerun the processing for this project, and I can see that it has been successful.

As we work on solving this issue, please continue to report when you receive such errors, and we can reprocess from our end. We understand this is not ideal, but we appreciate your patience and pardon the inconvenience.
