In S&R the probability of a hit usually decrease with the increased distance from a search start point. It would be very useful to be able to get circular markers so we could create search pattern with area calculation as well. Even better but probably slightly more complicated but the ability to make differential area measurements from 2 concentric circles would help when assigning different search teams/means/type.( Ground walkers, K9, aerial survey, etc)
Hi droneab,
thank you for your feedback, we will evaluate how we could support it in future releases.
To help you in the meantime, you could use QGIS with the exported orthomosaic to achieve those calculations. You would set points where your search locations are and buffer those points with the search radius. You could also substract different buffers from each other to get the differential area.
Things to look at in QGIS:
- use projected coordinate reference system like UTM
- Create Point Layer
- Toolbox → Buffer (create circles out of points)
- Toolbox → Difference (to substract circles)
- Toolbox → Add geometry attributes (to get the area)
Just like Droneab I would also like an Circular Marker.
A circle, marked from the centre, which will give a) radius or b) diameter (ether one is fine).
This will be easy to mark hazard-areas or getaway routes (estimated speed vs radius)
Meanwhile I will have a look at the QGIS option.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Hi Edwin,
you can use Circle Markers with the new Share to Cloud feature, upload the dataset to share to cloud and there you can use the new circle marker. You can see it in action here:
Hi Julius, it looks all well and good but how should we proceed in areas without any Internet access?
I live in a remote location and most of the time, we have to work in forest with no service at all.
When I asked for the feature ( circular markers), I was thinking more of a local feature than a cloud based solution. Of course not being aware of the architecture of React programming, may be this is just not feasible.
Thanks for your comments
Alain Brunelle
109, ch. Baie-de-la-Paix
Val-d’Or Québec J9P 4N7
Bureau :____(819) 738-4119
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