I have been testing the capture app for the inspire 1 for 2 weeks now, and have a couple comments. Doing a big project of 100 acres, it would be great to be able to create a full project extents and create multiple flight plans to complete the task. As of now, I can only see the photo locations of the last mission. If you could drag the previous mission dimensions and snap to the next location that would help as well. I’m getting way too many photos from trying to determine the correct overlap between missions. Maybe even a kml/dxf/ overlay to see the project you’re trying to map would be very helpful
I thing that it would be great if there was a way to save flights and have the option to retrieve them back on screen as reference plan area and have the option to set active a chosen one for the next mission.
Hi Tom,
thanks for the feedback. Import/export of flight regions has been on our todo list for a while, but we are first putting all of our efforts to have more reliable missions with the P3 and I1. But once this is fixed, we will make sure to add this functionality quickly