CAD overlay and arbitary coordinate system


we process some of our projects in arbitary coordinate system using site calibration. Results are in fact in JTSK (5514) but Pix4D considers them as arbitary. In this case map data uploaded on cloud are not georeferenced and CAD overlay cant be uploaded. Is there way how to fix this problem?

Note that site calibration is important step for us because it works perfectly with eBee RTK.

Thank you, Vladimir

Hi Vladimír,

I wonder about “in this case map data uploaded on cloud are not georeferenced”. If you set the coordinate system of GCPs and output to arbitrary and you send the dataset for processing from Desktop to the Cloud, the result is georeferenced; it has values. Could you do a test and process the whole project on the Cloud? Afterwards, check if you can upload the CAD overlay.

Thank you in advance, Beata