Blank screen after GCPs are added and reoptimized

Hi Cam,

The previous screenshot refers to an old version of the software and when using manual tie points (MTPs).
You can actually do the same with an image (camera location).


I just had the same thing happen to me as described by Matt. Thought I’d add my solution to the thread.

Turns out I had entered the x,y of my UTM coordinates backwards to how Pix4D wants it. After switching them everything worked correctly.

It is confusing that the documentation says a few times "x,y,z (latitude, longitude, altitude) but it takes “x” in UTM as the easting, which is actually the longitude equivalent measurement.

So for UTMs going into the GCP manager, x=Easting, y=Norhting

Most people probably miss this speedbump intuitively, but hope that helps others out there like me.

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