Adding another computer

Hello all,
We have added another computer to the command post for processing drone images during a search event. Can I transfer the license we currently have or does it float to the other computer–not sure how to do this? Thanks

Hi @mhadsell45 ,

Your Pix4D license is a floating license. Taking as an example the PIX4Dmapper; it allows you to log out of PIX4Dmapper on one computer and log into PIX4Dmapper on another. You do not need to uninstall PIX4Dmapper to move your license to a new computer. Same applies for PIX4Dreact. If you want to use the one seat you have on different devices you will have to log out from the device you were using so as to use it on another device.
To log out from PIX4Dreact please select Settings > Log out


That worked–thank you!

Glad I could help :slight_smile:


Is it possible to do a remote deactivation with Pix4Dreact? I can do it with Mapper, but the option for React is not showing. Thanks!

Hi Matthew,

At the moment, it is still not available for PIX4Dreact.
We can always deactivate it for you if you have a valid license. In your case, I can see a valid license.
Feel free to send us a support ticket through Contact Us > Get Support :+1:

Best regards,

what pix4d products do not float from computer to computer?

Hi Barret,
All desktop products have floating licenses.
Best Regards,
Pix4Dfields Support