Despite having done it successfully once, I can not for the life of me export my 3D map as a 3d PDF.
In Stage 3 I selected PDF, and even selected a logo and it creates all sort of output files, but not the pdf format.

What is the proper way of outputting it as such?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Sasa,

Can you tell us which version of Pix4Dmapper are you using?

To create a 3D PDF, you have to mark this option in Step 2. Point Could and Mesh, so I believe you’re doing everything right. The result should be generated in the Result Folder …/2_densification/3d_mesh folder. To open this format, you have to have Adobe Reader. To download it, click here. Are you sure that the .pdf file is not there? You should have similar outputs as in the screenshot below:



Can you tell me how can I change the compose of 3D PDF ?

I mean the appearance of title, logo or date? Is that impossible to change it?



As for now, it is not possible to manipulate with the appearance of the logo and the date. However, it’s an excellent suggestion which I’ll share with my team. We definitely should improve the visuality and options for this report.


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