Can a 3D pdf be generated in the cloud?

I ask because I processed a project on my desktop and ticked the create pdf box and the pdf that was “created” was blank.



Hi Mark,

to correctly visualize the .pdf file you need to:

  1. Open the 3D PDF with Adobe Reader. To download Adobe Reader click here.

  2. Follow the instructions written in this post https://community.pix4d.com/t/3520-3D-Mesh-in-PDF-is-black.


Excellent.  Thank you.

Can it be processed in the cloud though?

It can be processed on the Cloud but it cannot be downloaded as an individual result there. To obtain the desired output the following requirements are needed:

  • The project must be created and launched from the Desktop ( Project > Upload Project Files ).
  • In the Processing Options of Step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, before uploading to the Cloud, the correspondent 3D PDF box must be ticked.
  • Once the processing on the Cloud is complete, the file is downloadable clicking Export to Pix4D Desktop among the RESULTS. The file can be found in the folder …\project_name\2_densification\3d_mesh.

I Would like to know if I can smooth my 3d pdf from the pix4d bim processing.
thank you

Hello! I have the same issue. But my PDF remains blank, after I choose trust this PDF always.

Hi @smirnides

May I ask if you have also tried enabling the playing of 3D content in PDF?
To enable 3D content permanently:

  • Go to Edit > Preferences > 3D & Multimedia and then select the Enable playing 3D content checkbox.

You can also try making sure to use the latest version of Adobe reader (from version 11) as well as keep the GPU driver updated.
