Windows 11

Upgraded to Windows 11 from 10. All software works well except for PIX4Dmapper.
Tried the current version and the Beta version same results.
The program opens just fine, as soon as you try to browse any files the program terminates and closes.
Tried all the basics un-installed re-installed, went through the Microsoft site, implemented some changes to the way File Explorer operates, updated the graphic drivers.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Hi @kalcock,

PIX4Dmapper has not been tested on Windows 11 so the current recommendation is to use windows 10 until compatibility has been ensured.

This mostly has to do with many drivers not yet fully supporting Windows 11.
It would also be helpful if you could provide me the Event logs generated while reproducing the error.

To generate these files:

  1. Start PIX4Dmapper and start processing

  2. Then open the Windows Event Viewer by searching for it in the Windows search

  3. Then follow the steps indicated in the image below to save the log file as . txt

  4. Kindly send that . txt file to me to review


Here is the event log should be the first 2 events.



(Attachment windows11_1033.MTA is missing)

Ken Alcock
Vice President
Milani & Associates
Main Ph: (925) 674-9082
Direct Ph: (925) 465-2032
2655 Stanwell Drive, Suite 105
Concord, Ca. 94520


windows11.txt (1.89 MB)


I had a look and noticed this error :
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22000.282, time stamp: 0xb594bedc
Exception code: 0xc0000374

I have found online other users with the same error after installing Windows 11

I would suggest reverting back to Windows 10 or try what is also suggested at this link:

Have in mind that I do not guarantee that it will make it work.


Thank you for the response.
When I try to un-install the .dll it gives me an error.
See the link regrading this .dll file.
Problem registering a ‘.dll’ with Command Prompt - Microsoft Community



May I ask if you have tried what is also suggested in this link?

I would also suggest posting your original issue in the Microsoft Community Forum as other users experience similar issues are yours.

I hope your issue is resolved soon.


Hello there.

the same problem with me.

Pix4dmapper is running normally but when I am trying to open a project or to save a new project or any work that is running file explorer, the program is crashing.

I tried to unistall and reinstall stable 4.6.4 and beta 4.7.3 with no difference.

I also made a clear start with windows recovery tool in case that a third program was the problem , but again with no luck

Please fix it quickly


PIX4Dmatic Has the same issue, although with PIX4Dmatic you do not need to open the browse feature.
PIX4Dmatic allows you to drag and drop files in, bypassing the browsing menu.
I’m not convinced this is necessarily a Windows issue since is occurs with both PIX4DMapper and PIX4DMatic.


May I ask if you tried to drag and drop the images into PIX4Dmapper instead of selecting them by tapping on the Add Images button?

I would suggest reverting back to Windows 10 as we have not yet tested and support Windows 11.

This specific error is the Windows error code for Heap Corruption Exception:
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22000.282, time stamp: 0xb594bedc
Exception code: 0xc0000374

I will transfer the issue to our development team in order to see if it is possible for the future to use Windows 11.


Même problème pour moi lors d’ouverture de fichiers, ou de création de nouveaux fichiers.
Il est urgent que pix4D fixe une solution, j’ai besoin de générer des orthophotos.

Hi @kalcock,
It would also be helpful if you could provide me the Event logs generated while reproducing the error for PIX4Dmatic.

Can you please do the same procedure for PIX4Dmatic? To generate these files:

  1. Start PIX4Dmatic and start processing
  2. Then open the Windows Event Viewer by searching for it in the Windows search
  3. Then follow the steps indicated in the image below to save the log file as . txt
  4. Kindly send that . txt file to me to review


HI everybody,

I have the same problem with win11 and Pix4dMapper.

Log from the event below:

Nazwa aplikacji powodującej błąd: pix4dmapper.exe, wersja:, sygnatura czasowa: 0x60098a2d
Nazwa modułu powodującego błąd: ntdll.dll, wersja: 10.0.22000.282, sygnatura czasowa: 0xb594bedc
Kod wyjątku: 0xc0000374
Przesunięcie błędu: 0x000000000010be99
Identyfikator procesu powodującego błąd: 0x2fec
Godzina uruchomienia aplikacji powodującej błąd: 0x01d7db8b41a7c93d
Ścieżka aplikacji powodującej błąd: C:\Program Files\Pix4Dmapper\pix4dmapper.exe
Ścieżka modułu powodującego błąd: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Identyfikator raportu: 77876b5e-0dfd-44fd-b53c-5af80cac3439
Pełna nazwa pakietu powodującego błąd:
Identyfikator aplikacji względem pakietu powodującego błąd:


pix4dmapper.txt (861 Bytes)


May I ask if also Windows 11 File Explorer is crashing as well?
Can you please follow the propositions from the following two videos and let me know how it goes?



Windows 11’s file explorer works normally, and the problem only appears when selecting a file / directory at any point in the program’s operation. The pix4dmapper program also works normally. None of the proposed solutions improved the situation. Additionally, it reports that my computer is a LENOVO LEGION Y540 (17 inch).



Can you please share with me the GPU specs?
From the Start menu, open the Run dialog box or you can Press the “Window + R” key to open the RUN window.

Step 2

Then type “dxdiag” and press Enter to open “DirectX Diagnostic” Tool.

Step 3

Click on “Render” tab, and send me a screenshot.

May I ask if this issue occurs with PIX4Dmatic for instance?
Also have you updated your GPU drivers to the latest version?
For NVIDIA drivers please have a look here.
Afterwards please reboot your machine and try again.



attached I am sending the txt file with dirext.
Additionally, I have the latest version of my graphics card drivers (Sterownik w wersji: 496.76 - data wydania: 2021 listopad 16)
There is the same problem with PIX4D.
I am also sending you screenshots. The problem occurs when I want to select a file / directory. There is a problem when creating a project, but also if I use the default settings when trying to add photos.

DxDiag.txt (115.9 KB)

today I was able to drag photos to a new project (all in the default directories) and the program still works normally. However, as soon as it tries to open an old project through the file picker, pick fit points, or anything that brings up the file-from-disk dialog, the program instantly hangs and crashes.
For example, enabling CGP / MTP manager does not cause any problems.
I tried to replace the ntdll file from the dll site but this only caused the SAMSUNG DEX software to stop working. I am waiting for further suggestions or suggestions to solve the problem.



May I ask if you have also posted in the Windows Forum?
One more thing I would suggest is to do a clean installation of the GPU drivers.

  1. Start with a clean video card driver install. This will default all Nvidia settings, along with removing any possible corrupted installation. Completely uninstall your Nvidia drivers using:

Instructions for the Display Driver Uninstaller:

Here is a video walk-through, also:

  1. Then download the newest driver and install it.



One last thing that you could try is to follow instructions of the last part ( How to fix Windows 7 APPCRASH - exception code c0000374?) of this link.

I hope this will resolve the issue.
