I have tried several times for generating Orthomosaic of 10 km linear data,getting error “failed to merge orthomosaic”.I have been using 16gp RAM even though i can’t able to process and get output Orthophoto for 10km data which contains 1450 images taken from phantom 4 pro. Give solution for this, do you any options to merge Orthomasic tiles in any other software. Otherwise how to solve this error give some solution.
Hi Robert,
The project you are processing is rather large (1450 images at 20MP). Please have a look at the system requirements in this article.
In the title of your post, you have written “error - free disk space”. This seems to indicate that there is no more storage space on your hard drive, so I would check that too. You could remove data from the disk to free up space or simply move the project to another disk with more space.
In order to give more specific feedback you should share the .log file and quality report of the project. You can share a link to a folder on a file sharing service such as Dropbox or Google Drive in order to do that.