I am trying to create an orthomosaic of a large area photographed with a MicaSense 5 band Rededge camera. The process crashed with the above error. I have tried with not merging the orthomosaic tiles and they are created. I do not have a problem with merging tiles of the DTM or DSM. They work fine. I have tried processing a much smaller area (16 5 band images)and (8 5 band images). These do not work either. They end with the same create tile reader error.
I am using Drone2Map for ArcGIS.
I have tried with Pix4d Mapper Pro with the same result.
Since the orthomosaic tiles are created, I am puzzled as to why a final merged product can not be created.
Can you please provide us with the full logfile (as a Dropbox link for example) from Pix4D Desktop. Perhaps it is linked to the amount of RAM? We will know more by looking at the log.
Here is the logfile for the last attempt at getting the images to process. This is from Drone2Map for ArcGIS which uses the Pix4d processing engine. The link is for onedrive account which has the file in it.https://1drv.ms/u/s!AndJCv-gOFuqgRT2WffWu2xA9VHq
Thank you,
This could be linked with a lack of hard drive space to create the larger file. In the past, we have also seen this error when an antivirus or some other similar software is running.
I am saving the file to a disk with 8 TB free space. I don’t think this file would be larger than that. I will check on the antivirus software. We are running Symantec Endpoint Enterprise. Have you had known problems with this antivirus program?
Thank you,
Last time we saw this error, there was an interrogation about the interference of the antivirus. However, we cannot point to a particular antivirus. It should also be taken with a grain of salt: it is more speculative than conclusive.