Which coordinates system i need in germany with Yuneec E90?

Hello I am new and have problems with the correct selection of the coordinate system. I fly with the H520 in Bavaria and don’t know if I should use UTM or World Geodetic System 1984. I used this page for reference points.

Thanks for Information


Hi Jürgen,

Welcome to our Community!

don’t know if I should use UTM or World Geodetic System 1984” do you refer to the

  • images’ coordinates?

  • output coordinate system?

  • GCPs coordinate system?

Please send us a pair of coordinates so that we can better understand the case.


Hi Christina,

i find this in the Logfile from the project.
00:43:08][ 23%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: WKT Output = <PROJCS[“ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N”,GEOGCS[“ETRS89”,DATUM[“European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989”,SPHEROID[“GRS 1980”,6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7019”]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6258”]],PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]],UNIT[“degree”,0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9122”]],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4258”]],PROJECTION[“Transverse_Mercator”],PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”,0],PARAMETER[“central_meridian”,15],PARAMETER[“scale_factor”,0.9996],PARAMETER[“false_easting”,500000],PARAMETER[“false_northing”,0],UNIT[“metre”,1,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9001”]],AXIS[“Easting”,EAST],AXIS[“Northing”,NORTH],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“25833”]]>
[2020.05.01 00:43:08][ 23%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: WKT GCP = <PROJCS[“ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N”,GEOGCS[“ETRS89”,DATUM[“European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989”,SPHEROID[“GRS 1980”,6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7019”]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6258”]],PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]],UNIT[“degree”,0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9122”]],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4258”]],PROJECTION[“Transverse_Mercator”],PARAMETER[“latitude_of_origin”,0],PARAMETER[“central_meridian”,15],PARAMETER[“scale_factor”,0.9996],PARAMETER[“false_easting”,500000],PARAMETER[“false_northing”,0],UNIT[“metre”,1,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9001”]],AXIS[“Easting”,EAST],AXIS[“Northing”,NORTH],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“25833”]]>
[2020.05.01 00:43:08][ 23%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: WKT IMG = <GEOGCS[“WGS 84”,DATUM[“WGS_1984”,SPHEROID[“WGS 84”,6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“7030”]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“6326”]],PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“8901”]],UNIT[“degree”,0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“9122”]],AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,“4326”]]>
[2020.05.01 00:43:08][ 23%RAM][ 0%CPU][Info]: Linear unit =

Then i set this controll points manuell with the Information from BayernAtlas:

[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_001> id 0 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348321(0.02) 5.30071e+06(0.02) 422.865(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348321 5.30071e+06 422.865
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 -91.4771 -32.4762 0.814248
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError 0.717091 1.47625 0.0507524
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.955378 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:1.83847 inliers 32
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_002> id 1 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348519(0.02) 5.30077e+06(0.02) 421.3(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348519 5.30077e+06 421.3
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 107.169 31.0775 -0.595362
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError -0.168578 -0.0774521 -0.104638
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.994467 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:2.99779 inliers 11
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_003> id 2 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348336(0.02) 5.30081e+06(0.02) 422.335(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348336 5.30081e+06 422.335
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 -75.0295 70.5374 0.372229
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError -0.970523 0.462636 -0.0372287
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.980825 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:1.91237 inliers 18
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_004> id 3 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348524(0.02) 5.30071e+06(0.02) 421.624(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348524 5.30071e+06 421.624
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 111.995 -31.9645 -0.466315
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError 0.00459882 -0.0355137 0.0903152
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.995133 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:1.177 inliers 14
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_005> id 4 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348376(0.02) 5.30068e+06(0.02) 422.819(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348376 5.30068e+06 422.819
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 -36.4931 -64.0402 0.931502
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError 0.493079 -0.959824 -0.112502
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.979634 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:2.20953 inliers 26
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: MTP <3D_006> id 5 3DGCP
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyz 348397(0.02) 5.30077e+06(0.02) 422.782(0.02)
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: original coord 348397 5.30077e+06 422.782
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValidGpsPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasValid3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasExplicit3dPosition no
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: hasProjected3dPosition yes
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: p3 -14.9204 26.781 0.672506
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: xyzError -0.0796127 -0.780969 0.109494
[2020.09.07 23:03:19][ 33%RAM][ 26%CPU][Info]: weight:0.989987 use:1 use in bundle:yes error:2.45388 inliers 24

Is this the Info for helping?


And here the MTP Points in the card


So you use E90 camera with the H520 drone. OK. In our database, we do have E90 calibrated but resolution - 5472 x 3648, not the one you used - 4864 x 3648. While comparing the results in the screenshot we can see that the initial and computed position for X and Y is similar but the Z value it’s completely off. So my assumption is that we have to check the EXIF of your images to verify which altitude tag Pix4Dmapper takes from your images. For example, for DJI drones, we read the XMP Absolute Altitude tag. More about this topic here. I assume that we read the wrong tag. Knowing that you are in Bavaria I don’t believe the Z is 25m only :stuck_out_tongue: Therefore, could you please upload here one picture from your dataset so I can check the EXIF metadata? Additionally, please send us the Quality Report of the project so I can verify the coordinate system for your input and output data.

Thanks in advance!