What is holding the processing back on my machine?


I’ve been using a new machine for processing of large projects and was wondering why during some steps pix4dmapper uses so littel resources.
My projects are all underground maps so no GPS data, tricky to process images and need for very many images to get good models (around 3000-10000 images per project).
PC Specs: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 128GB RAM, Nvidia GTX1650, SSD drive, Windows 10

During Step 1 processing is sometimes seems like the PC does more or less nothing. Currently it is doing “calibration” with the fllowing performance readings:
CPU load 15-30%
GPU load 20-40%
RAM 10-20%
VRAM 20-30%
No I/O

Is there anything that I could do or change to make Pix4Dmapper use more of the available ressources or is it just not possible due to some mathematical restrictions used in the calculation?

Thanks for any advice!

Hi Simon,

Indeed, all processing steps use the resources in different ways. Even within a step, it happens that some small instructions need to be completed, which cannot be paralleled and therefore it will not use the full resources. Unfortunately, there is nothing available to allocate more resources.

For more detailed information: Hardware components usage when processing with Pix4Dmapper

To speed up the processing, especially with larger projects, you could try PIX4Dmatic.

The article What is the difference between PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dmapper? can help illustrate the differences between the two.

I hope this information is helpful!

Best Regards,


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Hi Jon,

thanks for the reply.
I was just wondering if I missed anything important so good to know that nothing is wrong here.


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