RAM available not used by Pix4D Mapper processing

Hi everyone. :grinning:

In first sorry for the longger of the post…

I am using Pix4Discovery license for trial.
I have a question about the use of ram by the PIX4D PROCESSING versus the physical RAM available on my DELL Workstation T3620 MT.
The processor of this workstation is INTEL XEON CPU E3-1240V6 3.5GHz, 3504 MHz, 4 COEURS, 8 LOGICAL PROCESSORS

My workstation has 64Go of physical RAM installed and detected (compatibility with processor ok) .
My graphic card is nvidia quadro k2200 (CUDA compatible)
And the storage is a Samsung SSD 980 1TB (PCIe M2)

So here is my issue : Actually I increased the RAM memory from 16 Go to 64 Go but it seems that the difference is not use…

- Pix4d detects 64 Go of RAM well (i see it in the notification & ressouces screen)
**- The cursor in pix4d maximum ressources available for processing is 64 Go. **

**However in the Windows Task Manager, PIX4D uses only 4.5 Go… in the same time, other processing use (with PIX4D) only 16 Go. **

**Why PIX4DMAPPER doesn’t use the remaining 44 Go ? Is it normal ? The time traitment could be reduced ? **

(It works for a project with 200 photos, but the process takes 2 hours for step 1 and 2… )

Has anyone encountered this type of problem before?

Thank you in advance for the answers


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Hi @jerome_lemahieu,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community! :tada:

Thank you for sharing your question.

The usage of different hardware components by PIX4Dmapper highly depends on the task the software is performing at a given step (it might also vary depending on the sub-step).

Here two examples:

  • During Step 1 you will have a high usage of CPU (and GPU if available) but a low usage of RAM.

  • On the contrary, for Step 3, you will have a low usage of CPU (no usage of GPU) and a high usage of RAM.

You can find additional information in this article:

Happy mapping!

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Hi @Daniele_Lecci
Thank you for your answer and analysis.
So in my case, it looks like nothing is wrong and the software will make the selection based on the hardware configuration (cpu gpu ram ssd) :grinning:
I’ll try with the mensual licence :wink:

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Hi @jerome_lemahieu,

Thank you for your answer.
PIX4Dmapper is not making selections based on your hardware configuration (besides choosing GPU for step 1 when available).
PIX4Dmapper uses different components depending mainly on the processing step. For example, some parts of the process can be done in parallel when are independent between each other (these parts can be processed on a GPU) but need to be processed in series when a subsequent process depends on the outcome of the previous one.

You can find a Hardware case study here:

Really very clear. Thank you
:+1: :+1: :+1:

Pix won’t max out ram for 200 photo projects. It’ll use more when more images are available.