Watermark the Project with your info in a box at a corner for who did this.

Hi, Is there anyway you can add the watermark in the bottom right corner of the projects like how architects do so that client knows whether this is processed by whom and which company he belongs to and whether it was processed in trial version or legitimately brought version or PIRATED VERSION. In my country i see bunch of people using trial versions and process the data for dirt cheap price thinking they’re gonna wash out other players in the market. It hurts people like me who brought the software and spent good amount of money on hardware and time to give quality output. This is needed on every output file like Ortho or other deliverable files. This helps to explain clients that they can’t expect prices like trial version use case. Hope i am not the only one here with this.

Hi @rayavarapunani ,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I completely understand how it is very unfair for our customers using legitimate products from us having to deal with others that are using the pirated versions. I have brought this feedback to our developing team. Meanwhile, I recommend creating a feature request in our PIX4Dmatic feature request board here: PIX4Dmatic Feature Request - Pix4D Community for more customers to vote for this feature! It is indeed a feature with potential. :+1:

Rosana (she/her)

Thanks, Ms. Rosana. I posted it. Hope Pix4D adds this feature.

Hi @rayavarapunani ,

No problem. Thank you for posting it in our feature request. :+1:

Best regards,
Rosana (she/her)