Hi everbody
Any one now how to create a volume if one side of the gravelpile is upp against a rock wall.
If you cant see the bottom of the pile al the way around.
Hope you understand what i mean.
Hi everbody
Any one now how to create a volume if one side of the gravelpile is upp against a rock wall.
If you cant see the bottom of the pile al the way around.
Hope you understand what i mean.
Hi @norrgard,
Could you share some screenshots of that gravel pile so we could see how it looks like?
Hi @norrgard,
Thank you for the screenshot.
Please draw the volume similarly to how I did it.
Afterwards, go to Settings and choose Align with the Lowest Point.
In this way, you will fit the base to the ground. All the volume above would be your cut volume.
More in:
How Pix4Dmapper calculates the Volume?
Which Base Surface is recommended for the Volume Calculation?