Virtual Inspector in project with several datasets

Hi there,
I’ve a project in Pix4Dcloud Advanced, and I’m using it in order to compare the siteworks during a couple of months; because sometimes the Full-in-the-Cloud process distorts the point cloud, this project has a double dataset for each flight:

a) The first of the day is the Full-In-the-Cloud one (marked Red in the screnshot below), in order to provide a fast idea of the current situation, but sometimes I obtain a bowl-shaped output
b) The second one is a Full-On-the-Desktop process, where I modify the Advanced Options, add MTPs, or just filter out the dozers and trucks, and then I upload just the bare minimun (.las point cloud, .xyz files, sometimes the 3D mesh, marked Green in the screenshot below)

So, I’m aware that the Virtual Inspector works only with Full-In-the-Cloud processes; however, I don’t understand if I can use it in my case, at least with the first dataset of the day.

The strange fact, is that I was able to add a Virtual Inspector to a Full On-the-Desktop dataset, but because it froze, I hit Refresh before to draw anything in the pinned pictures: as result, now I have a Virtual Inspector icon in this dataset, but I’m unable to modify it, because “The Virtual Inspector is not Available…”

Attached the screenshot

Hi @giancarlo.patierno,

I am not sure if I understand everything you have explained, but I would like to clarify the following. The visual inspector is available in PIX4Dcloud for the following workflows:
1- Project directly processed in its entirety in PIX4Dcloud, via web browser, API, or PIX4Dcatch.
2- Project uploaded from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud to be processed in this last software. How to upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud
3- Outputs generated in PIX4Dmapper uploaded to PIX4Dcloud using the Connector Desktop App. How to upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud with the Connector app

If you create an empty project to upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud, even if you upload point cloud, dsm, orthomosaic, the 3D mesh to the project, the Visual Inspector will not be available since this tool requires having all the images and information about them and the rotation of the cameras, which is not possible to upload with this workflow.

I hope this information was useful for you.

Please let me know if you have further concerns.

Have a very nice day!

Best regards

I understood the general limitations, however I’m not sure what happens when you have a project with several dataset: someones are directly processed in Pix4DCloud, and someones are just outputs generated in Pix4Dmapper and uploaded to Pix4DCloud without Connector (just drag-and-drop in the webpage of the project). The question is: can I at least use Virtual Inspector in the first case? Or because I’m mixing two different processing options, I loose completely the Virtual Inspector?

Hi @giancarlo.patierno,

The question is: can I at least use Virtual Inspector in the first case?

Yes, It is possible to use the Virtual Inspector in projects directly processed in PIX4Dcloud.

Or because I’m mixing two different processing options, I loose completely the Virtual Inspector?

This may be the case, especially related to the order in which “the processing options” are being used, I would rather say the processing workflow.

I hope this information helps you.

Have a very nice day!

Best regards