Viewing models in vr using cardboard for proof of concept

Can the models made using pix4D mapper be potentially viewed in VR on an iPhone X using google cardboard (unity google cardboard sdk)? (working on a project as an undergraduate student) Hoping for some quick responses. Thank you (great software btw, kudos)

Pix4D can output the mesh and pointcloud in standard formats like OBJ and LAZ respectively. If you have a model viewer that allows you to import these file types then you should be able to. One thing to note is that the mesh files and pointclouds are usually computationally demanding as they are not optimized for display on mobile. You can try optimizing the mesh in meshlab and the pointcloud in cloudcompare or something similar if you do have performance issues.

Thank you. Also which shader to use to view the 3D models accurately in Unity?

That would be a question for a someone familiar with unity i think.