Using point cloud data from other software in Pix4Dmapper

Hi everyone,

I’d would like to ask if is it possible to use point cloud (.laz data) from another software in pix4Dmapper? I want to process it to generate the DTM in pix4Dmapper.

Thank you

Hi Niken Andika Putri, 

You can import external point cloud data in Pix4D software to generate a Digital Surface Model (DSM). However, I do not think that you can do the point cloud classification on the external point cloud. This means that if you would like to generate the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), you would need to import the cleaned point cloud (without buildings,…) directly. 

Here is an article that describes this import procedure:

Hi Pierangelo Rothenbühler

Thank you for your answer. I’m new to pix4D, could you explain to me what project which I have to open before I drag and drop the point cloud data? ( the .laz data is big enough). Should I open the project with the same data source with the .laz data?


The project mentioned by Pierangelo is a Pix4D project that is created after importing images. Images are then processed and 2D information is projected in 3D to reconstruct the model with points. From this, it is possible to generate maps among other.

Instead of using the densified point cloud computed by Pix4D, you can use an external point cloud (.las, .laz, .xyz) that you can import into the project following the article above.

I can suggest the getting started to help you discover the possibilities of our software:

Hope it helps!