Support for Autel drones

Hello everyone,

For the moment there is no plan to add the Autel drones in Pix4Dcapture.

Please keep in mind that Pix4Dmapper can process images taken from virtually any application as long as they are of good quality and overlap. For more information: Which image acquisition app can I use with Pix4D’s software?.

I think that the Autel users would like to know why pix4d is not interested in supporting the Autel Evo II by including them in the capture app. I know I would like to know. I still have not selected processing software yet and it is very discouraging that pix4d will not fully support the drone that I am using without an explanation. PIx4d has the Anafi drones but not Autel? Can someone from pix4d please explain why this is the case? Thank you.

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Why not? Are you legally bound to not engage? Our company is dropping DJI products and not investing in future applications that a hardware restrictive.

Pix4D’s software is image acquisition app agnostic. That means Pix4Dmapper, Pix4Dcloud, Pix4Dmatic, Pix4Dreact, and Pix4Dfields can process images taken virtually from any application as long as they are of good quality and overlap.
That being said, you can use any application to capture your dataset and then process them with our products!
Feel free to get a trial of our products and try them out :slight_smile:

Thanks to all of the Pix4D support staff for the answers, the forum support is great.

Though I cannot speak for all users, my reasoning for requesting that the Evo II be included in the app is that I have confidence in the software company’s app.

I know that Pix4D ensures that their app provides for the best results because it is specifically designed and tested for Pix4D whereas third party apps are not. Nobody knows the required parameters like Pix4D.

I have used Maps Made Easy Business for DJI, DJI’s apps, Litchi, Autopilot, Autel app and UgCS and for whatever reason, the Pix4D app seems to be the most intuitive and provides the best overall results for Pix4D Mapper - in my experience.

That’s my reasoning for the request and I hope that Pix4D leadership understands and would consider that basic philosophy.

I attended an in person Pix4D training a couple of years back and I was told by the instructor that “You should not expect much from a free application “, referring to Pix4D capture. My reply was that most users expect applications specific to the software to be included when paying for software such as Pix4D, similar to DroneDeploy.

Autel is slowly but surely luring users away from DJI for many reasons and professional users intending to purchase the Dual and RTK versions of the Autel products will want to utilize Pix4Dcapture.

I am not being overly critical of Pix4D for those decisions but those decisions are short sighted in my opinion.


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Hi Michael,

Thank you very much for your comments and constructive feedback.
I have transferred it to our product teams.

buenos dias, al procesar las fotografías obtenidas con el drone EVO II en PIX 4D mapper, no me aparecen los datos de OMEGA, PHI, KAPPA. adjunto imagen,

Talves me falta alguna configuración ?

hi @geomensor!

Do your images have this information in the image EXIF? Could you please check the image properties?
Pix4Dmapper does not need the OMEGA, PHI, KAPPA to process the images


When Operating the Autel Evo 2 Dual drone you can select 3 different flight modes (Thermal, RGB or Picture in picture). It is my understanding that you need to be in picture in picture mode to get thermal and RGB data simultaneously. I have had success making an RGB orthomosaic when the drone is in RGB mode.

However, when in thermal mode or picture in picture mode I cannot make a good orthomosaic with either the thermal or the RGB camera. I suspect the problem is when selecting the camera as there often is a large difference between initial and optimized camera parameters (Often greater than 100%)

Can you please recommend a camera to select when flying in thermal and picture in picture mode for Thermal and RGB orthomosaics.


Hi @pfarbstein,

Regarding the Picture-in-Picture Mode I cannot be very sure of the way it works. Regarding the other two modes of the camera:
From the thermal images, you can create a Thermal Index Map but not an orthomosaic. Have in mind that for a better reconstruction of the captured scene in a thermal project, some recommendations should be followed during the image acquisition.
From the RGB images captured from this camera, you can create an orthomosaic but the RGB images need to be processed separately from the thermal images. Can you please follow the instructions from this article on:


Do you all capture mapping missions through the Autel app or the Pix4Dcapture app? I’m assuming the Autel app since the Pix app does not have Autel as an option but just wanted to double-check. Thanks!

Hello @nightshadeaerial, You should use the Autel app to capture the images because the Pix4Dcapture app doesn’t support the Autel drones.

I noticed that the Pix4D app only has DJI and parrot connections but nothing for Autel drones. Is there a work around for this or am I out of luck?

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Please, add autel drones to pix4dcapture


i have a data set with gcps for autel evo2 . How do i share my pix4d project data set with you all. shoot my an email

  • I’m on the same boat pix4d tells
    me error message camera calibration failed.

Hello @hmiranda2015, Find the list of the supported Evo II camera in the list below.