Rooftop Features

I’m working on a rooftop survey on an industrial building for a solar installation. The flat rooftop has 100 or so objects such as window boxes, heating/cooling structures and pipes that run a few feet off the ground. The client needs these objects marked and measured.

Is there a way to do this automatically or do I need to go in and manually draw out every object using the vector tool?

Thanks for any help

Hi Jim,
Unfortunately, there is no automated way to extract these features and have them measured. It will have to be a manual process.

Thanks. I was afraid of that. Biggest problem I’m having with Matic/Survey combination is that the resolution of the point cloud makes it very difficult to mark objects with precision and there does not appear to be a way to display the orthomosiac in Survey. I have to go through each individual image and mark the object a number of times until everything lines up properly.

Hi @jim1.

In PIX4Dsurvey it is possible to change the size of single point clouds.

  1. Clic on Point clouds in the Content sidebar
  2. Click on the gear symbol (Point cloud properties)
  3. Move the Point size slider


It is also possible to change the size of all the point clouds of a project:

  1. Open the Project settings tab
  2. Move the Point size slider


Thanks. Yes, I did that. It improves the resolution but still difficult to see when trying to pinpoint objects at accurate levels.


Jim Lodico
Chesapeake Aerial Photo, LLC

Typos courtesy of iPhone.