Remove picture in MTP


I have a problem, some manual tie points I’ve made cannot tirangulate because the points I’ve decided are not corresponding with the ones decided by the software. It creates a pink circle around my yellow cross. I don’t want to remove the cameras entirley because they are working with other MTPs, but not theses ones.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Raphaëlle,

Welcome to Pix4D Community!

If you feel that some MTPs are incorrect, one way to proceed is by accessing the GCP / MTP Manager window by clicking Remove to delete a mark:

You could find more information about this workflow in the following support article: How to add / import GCPs in the Basic GCP/MTP Editor

You could also delete the entire point that is displayed on the GCP/MTP Table by also following these instructions: Menu Project > GCP / MTP Manager… > GCP / MTP Table > Remove Points

I hope this information was useful for you.
Dont hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.

Have a very nice day.

Best regards,