I’m new to the drone world and am trying to assess the quality of the positioning data from a PPK flight we did with an ebee+. I’m curious if there is a way to access the raw GNSS observation files from the drone to process independently outside of Pix4D. I’d like to test the outputs with a program such as GrafNav or similar. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hi Brady,
The eBee makes a bbx file and efl (eMotion Flight Log) file. One is stored in the eBee onboard memory and the other is stored with the images on the SD card. You need to connect the eBee to your computer to extract the files. There is one of each file type generated for each flight. If you don’t remove the ones from the autopilot they will automatically be cleared once the memory is full to make room for new ones.
I hope this helps :)
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