Quality of PIX4Dfields

Hello everyone,

I am working with a conservation organization that uses drones to map properties for vegetation monitoring. We have an Autel Evo II Pro drone with a 6k RGB camera and have been processing images in PIX4Dmapper, but we are considering moving towards PIX4Dfields to get more information on the vegetation present on our properties. Since we only have an RGB camera and not multispectral on our drone, would PIX4Dfields be worth purchasing or should we stick with PIX4Dmapper?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Natalie,
The main advantage of using PIX4Dfields is the speed at which the imagery can be processed. If you are only using RGB imagery then you can use the GPU accelerator which can process large datasets in a very short amount of time. The one area that I would have concerns is that Fields only works in flat areas. If you are trying to map in terrain that is diverse and with much elevation changes then Fields may fail. You are always welcome to sign up for a 15 day trial to see if it will work for you.

Hi Natalie,

Did you get a chance to try out the free Pix4Dfields trial?

You can download it Here

On the question of index calculations, if you have an RGB sensor the software will detect this and provide you the ability to generate a VARI and TGI. That should be a great help for you with your conservation vegetation analysis.