Put "Disabled Points" back into Terrain

Is there a way to take disabled points out of the disabled points layer and put them back into a terrain classification? I can’t even seem to select them at this point.

Hello Frank,

At the moment the only way to re-enable the disabled points is by using the Undo shortcut (Ctrl+Z for Windows, Command+Z for Mac). That being said we are currently working on providing to the users, the option to re-enable the points.

Please also note that I have replied to your support request as well.

Best regards,
Anastasis Spachos

I am bumping this question because I am absolutely astounded by this oversight of the developers, and the Matic project manager. Have the developers of Matic or the project manager used Pix4Dmapper or read any old requests that improved Pix4Dmapper - what a blunder on the Matic side of the house!

I happened upon this thread because I attempted to revive “disabled” points in Matic today and believed that I could restore them back to the cloud, as I have in Pix4Dmapper many times before.

I recall reading the tech forums from years ago when the community and devs discussed this situation. It was determined that “we [photogrammatrists and analysys] never delete” points because that is akin to deleting original evidence, and instead, points were to be assigned as “disabled” so they could be reactivated and even reincluded in the point cloud.

CTL+Z is not useful and even shameful as an option, in my professional opinion.

Consider a large project where the analyst has been editing for hours and has accidentally sent points to the “disabled” category within Matic. An additional hour of editing goes by, and the analyst realizes that they have categorized points as “disabled” that should not be.

I have experienced this when unintentionally acquiring points in the background and assigning them to disabled, only to discover later in another project area that points have been removed or the decision about the edits has changed. Activating the “disabled” points and reassigning them works like a charm, and it’s easy in Mapper.

Turn off all active points and turn on all “disabled” points; you have everything available to “undo” via reassignment as one pleases!

Is Pix4D professional guidance that the analyst must now “undo” an hour of point cloud editing so they may re-add significant points that have been misassigned and then redo the intended edits? That’s rubbish.

That is not the level of professionalism I expect from Pix4D. Please tell me that I am misunderstanding the situation.


Hi Michael, I’m the new PIX4Dmatic product manager and thank you for your detailed comment.
Bringing back disabled points into a project is a feature that has been regularly requested, and we know that this is an important aspect of the disabling points feature. While I am sorry to read about the difficulties you are facing, I am glad to see that your feedback aligns with our decision to work on this. Stay tuned!

If there are other PIX4Dmatic topics you’d like to draw our attention to, please do not hesitate to post them. Cheers

I too, would like to see the ability of moving disabled points back into the various point layers added in. I use Mapper and not Matic because of oversights like this (plus I like the controls I have in Mapper better). I disable points in Mapper in order to generate the DTM, but then I want to move them back to various layers in Survey because I still need them for point cloud analysis and vectorization.

Thank you,

Hi Aaron, I also noted your comment and thanks for posting!