Disabling Points in Matic for Ortho Construction

Hello - In Mapper there was the ability to classify points as “disabled” so they would not be used for ortho construction. We use this often in our survey company photogrammetry workflows to blur trees and overhead wires to clearly see road lines underneath. I am very happy to see point cloud editing in Matic now but am not sure how to classify points in Matic for the same purpose. I’ve chosen “Disabled” once I’ve selected points with a box/polygon and the points disappear from the point cloud into a “disabled” category that I can then turn on off to visualize. My problem is what if I make a mistake (I have!). I now need to select some of the disabled points and return them to “unclassified” so they can be used for the dsm/ortho… but Matic isn’t allowing me to select any of the disabled points… Is there a better way for me to do this? Surely there must be a way to restore the “deleted” disabled points to the main point cloud? Thanks! and congrats to Pierangelo on his promotion!

Hi Jonathan,

Currently, in PIX4Dmatic, once points are disabled, the only way to restore them is by using the History panel or pressing Ctrl+Z during the same session. Unfortunately, it’s not yet possible to retrieve them later.

As an alternative, you could use the Mask tool (Masks - PIX4Dmatic) to exclude objects you don’t want visible in the ortho. This tool allows you to manage unwanted objects more flexibly.

Let me know if you find this helpful or if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

Best regards,

Thanks @Jonathan_Ellinger !

Indeed, we need to fix bringing back disabled points, e.g. by selecting them and “restoring” them. It should be added to the software this year still.

The mask tool may be a way forward in some cases (as linked by Diana), we’re looking into adding more advanced ways to edit the orthomosaic going forward (should land in matic this year)