Lack of Point cloud and Orthomosaic editing tools

Pix4dMatic lacks the same tools as Mapper and using Survey as well doesn’t make up for it.
There are no ways of editing/classifying point cloud to help with the generation of DSM & Orthomosaic. No Mosaic editor which result in distortions being unavoidable and the quality of the Orthomasic being a “you get what your given” scenario.

Hi PPGroup.
Have you tried using the deghosting tool in PIX4Dmatic? It will automatically delete moving objects in the orthomosaic.

Hi @PPGroup, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.
I agree that some basic point cloud editing tools are needed, this may help in certain cases to get better meshes, dsm and orthomosaic. As for the orthomosaic editor, it’s true that certain cases still require editing. As Mike mentioned, it’s worth to try out the “Deghosting” option in the Orthomosaic processing settings to get rid of moving objects, which usually are a big chunk of manual editing. For the cases remaining, we will likely need some sort of manual editing in the future. Your feedback is well noted. Thanks!

Thanks for looking into it.
Yes i have used the Deghosting option and its good at removing moving objects but doesn’t help with cleaning up of building edges and errors in the orthomosaic.
Until Matic is updated with some of those tools we will continue to use mapper until our yearly subscription ends and unfortunately if there hasn’t been any updates we will have to consider another software.

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With a dedicated point cloud editor we can control the filtering. We can also do planimetrics in Point Cloud which I would like to do so i can work with Engineers and Surveyors.

Hi Narendranath and PPGgroup.

This thread sounds like a great feature request that should be added to the PIX4Dmatic community feature request board. I do not see a similar request and this way you can gain further visibility for this initiative while allowing them to vote on its implementation.

