Hi Pix4Ders!
I have a project I need to map roughly 45sq kms. A total perimiter of aprox 115 kms. They need a pretty simple 2D ortho processed with vaugly acurate GIS positioning. (to the meter is sufficient so wont be using RTK)
I plan to break up the area into 20 seperate missions and merge later.
Question. Is Pix4D CLOUD even possible of processing such large areas? or would this strickly be Pix Mapper?
Im not 100% certain of the number of files I’ll be dealing with for each mission, looking at probably 50m AGL (to get a decent resolution) at 20MP likely.
I have never done a project this large. Is there anything else I need to be specifically aware of?? ie, how to plan the mission to merge them later?
How long would it take to process these in CLOUD?