Processing Speed

I am process over 4,000 images in Pix4dMapper.

  1. I have run process1 which took around 10hrs .
  2. Added the GCPs then reoptimized around 3hrs.
  3. I am now generating a report now and it has been running for 1hr and is still running. Screen shots attached.
    I have a very high end water cooled desktop computer see system info attached.
    My question is why dos it take so long to generate a report, it dos not seem to be using all of the CPU and memory???



Could you please share with us also the .log file and the Quality Report of your project? If those files are too big to upload them here, please use our OneDrive. Thank you in advance!


Sorry that I have not got back to you sooner. The processing took 4 days??

Please find attached the report. Where do I find the log file?

Kind regards

Samuel Van Eldik ES P-AP

Director I Chief UAV Controller

PO Box 441, Exmouth 6707



Mobile 0428 600 252


CORAL BAY TOWN SITE_report.pdf (1.69 MB)


Looking at the Quality Report, I can only say that your GPU driver is outdated. You can download the latest version from here. It should have a positive impact on your processing. To give you more suggestions, I would need your .log file.



Thank you.

Where can I find my log file???

Kind regards

Samuel Van Eldik ES P-AP

Director I Chief UAV Controller

PO Box 441, Exmouth 6707



Mobile 0428 600 252



Please look for it in: …\project_name\project_name.log. Let me know once you upload it to the OneDrive I shared with you a few posts before.

Thank you

Hi Please find the log file attached.

Kind regards

Samuel Van Eldik ES P-AP

Director I Chief UAV Controller

PO Box 441, Exmouth 6707



Mobile 0428 600 252




Thank you very much for your data.

I analysed the .log file. I could see that you used the 3D Maps template. However, could you please let me know the outputs you’re interested in? Do you need them all; meaning the point cloud, the 3D textured mesh, ortho? I can help you adjust your processing options to your needs that will speed up the processing. Let me know!



I do need all of the outputs. I have changed my Bios settings and now running a new project with around 1,900 images. When this is completed I will send you the log file to review to see if I need to make any changes.


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Writing tie points portion of the processing takes a very long time for larger projects. I’ve seen that step take 12 hours or longer for very large projects.

Not much you can do about it.

@Samuel_Van_eldik have you tried running these projects in Pix4Dmatic already? The number of images and need for speed would justify to try it out. You can download the software here:

Hi Pierangelo Rothenbuhler
I have large data sets to process. I wish I could use Matic. but unfortunately Matic showing this error after adding images Geolocation or orientation data missing in images

Image EXIF doesnt have Yaw Pitch and Roll information. I am using Emlid Reach M2, which is not providing the IMU details. Is there anything we can do to process the images without orientation info.

Thank you

@thouseef.m I’m afraid that if there is no orientation available at all, there is no way to process in PIX4Dmatic at the moment…we will have a look at how to simplify/remove this constraint in 2022, to ensure that more cameras can be compatible. Sorry for the inconvenience! If there is a way to have orientation data for your cameras, there is a way to import these as a .csv/.txt file after you get the message from your screenshot, you can check this article: