I don’t understand what the large format camera add-on is in Pix4DMapper? We are flying a job tomorrow with our new Phase One camera but am wondering if it will be fine to process the imagery in our standard Pix4dMapper suite? I read something about possibly needing a large format camera add-on but do not see what that actually is.
Hi Anthony,
PIX4Dmapper can process large frame images. To do so, it is required to have the large frame add-on to process images of a resolution higher than 55 MP.
The large frame add-on is needed to capture images, among others, with:
- Ultracam.
- PhaseOne.
- Leica RCD.
- XCAM Ultra (WaldoAir).
- A5D-80 (Hasselblad).
- Any other camera that captures images of a resolution higher than 55 MP.
For more information, use this form to contact Sales Team.
Hi Anthony,
I checked and it looks like you already have the add-on so you can process with the images from Phase one camera.
how to find the add-on in pix4d ? (my camera phaseone 100MP)
Hi @asma.daoud40,
If you would like to process 100MP images, you need a large frame paid add-on.
Please contact our sales team for more information: