Process P4 Multiespectral (RGB, RedEdge and NIR images)


I have RGB (just composed file, I don’t have the discrete bands), RedEdge, and NIR images from P4 Multispectral. I want to know if is possible to process them together and make a spectral index and ortomosaic.

Pix4D reported to me the error e0204a: Too many missing images leading to incomplete captures.

Example images:


your dataset has not enough images, make sure you have a dataset with sufficient overlap.

Could you please send us the following if you have a valid dataset available?

▸ The quality report (.pdf format): …\project_name\1_initial\report\project_name_report.pdf
▸ The project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log
▸ The project file (.p4d): …\project_name.p4d
▸ About 10 images of the project.

