Privacy of shared results on the cloud


I have a client for whom I would like to share the results of the processing on the Pix4D Cloud. However, they are concerned of the privacy of their area and don’t want the data to be publicly available.

If I upload an orthomosaic or 3D model, and share it with him using the sharing link, how private is this information?

I understand the only way to view it will be with the link. It will not be indexed in Google or searchable in any other database. Something like the “unlisted” option in Youtube. Can you confirm this?

It might make sense to add a password protect option too.

Thank you

Best regards,


Dear Jose,

You nailed it, anybody with the link can see what you will share but no one else. You can preview the result by using the shared link for yourself.




Any chance we could still protect what is embedded in the links by a password system? Or any other way?

Thank you,