Hi, a feature that would be useful would be the ability to share particular processed files from the cloud i.e. allow the client to download the orthomosaic or las directly from the cloud. This would be in addition to the project share, so that only selected results would be visible and downloadable.
Is this something that is being looked at?
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Thanks a lot for the feedback!
Yes, we are definitely looking at improving Pix4D Cloud sharing capabilities. It would be extremely helpful for us to know more about your use case and what would be the optimal way of sharing your data with your clients.
For example:
How many different clients do you think will need to access the shared project? 1 or more?
Is it important for you to be able to share one of the outputs (e.g. the point cloud) for visualization only but not for downloading?
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In this particular job there are two clients who could need the data. The ability to be able to download the processed outputs directly from the cloud would save having to download the data, save to a separate cloud host, and share that way (or provide a copy physically)
Agree. I’ve generated an orthomosaic that I’d like the client to be able to view and do measurements on. In my case probably just one client per job, but that could change.
Are there allready some steps taken regaring this topic?
It would indeed be an asset to be able to share the link of the cloud and add a button, so client can download the data.
Password protection option would be great addition to this.
would be nice to be able to choose what the options are for a particular client.
eg: i am in a research program, where not all parties need to download the data.
it would be nice to be able to generate different links with different restrictions, as you currently provide with “no save measurements & annotations” and “save measurements & annotations” would also be nice to have option “download or no download”.
or with password protection