Hi there,
is there a way to adjust the point size in Pix4D survey? Furthermore, is there an option to activate snapping in order to align features more accurately? Lastly, is there a way to delete an individual vertex? Unfortunately, whenever “Delete geometry” is used, the whole feature is beeing deleted instead of an individual vertex.
Thanks a lot for your help.
the point size can be adjusted in the 3D view settings as shown in the screenshot. We especially recommend increasing the size of the point when vectorizing sparse point clouds.
When using the Delete geometry the whole geometry will be deleted. It is possible to delete an individual vertex by selecting it and using the Delete key:
- Click to select an existing object, for example, a polyline.
- Click on the vertex you would like to delete.
- Press Delete key.
I noticed that there is a similar request for the snapping feature in Snap to a vertex post. I would recommend upvoting that specific post in order to centralize the request and to see how many time it is requested.