Point cloud filtering and smoothing?

Hi, Can you fill me in on what it is:
Point cloud filtering and smoothing
Automatic brightness and color correction?
These features are aparently taken out of the Mesh. Does it mean my 3D Mesh output going to be inferrior to the output make with PRO?

Hello Dennis,

The Point cloud filtering and smoothing and Automatic brightness and color correction are processes from the step 3 and are used to generate the DSM and orthomosaic, so they are not present in the Mesh version since the step 3 is not available, the 3D mesh quality is the same in Pix4Dmapper and Pix4Dmapper Pro.

These options are related to the Step 3:

Pix4Dmapper Product Editions - Comparison Table:


Thank you.
It is good to know that you didnt compromise on 3D Mesh quality. Will the updates to 2.0 spread to the Pix4d Mesh as well?

Hi Dennis,
There are some updates regarding the mesh in 2.0. Especially it should be better are filling the holes that you might get in the point cloud. For example when you have a very homogeneous surface, there might be holes in the densified point cloud. With the mesh in 2.0 it is better at filling the holes in the mesh.


Looking forward to the official release of 2.0