Pix4Ddiscovery availability

A few questions about Pix4Ddiscovery:

  1. Is it still available?
  2. Do I need a special download link?
  3. Does Pix4Ddiscovery allow me to use the rayCloud editor on a project created with Pix4Dmapper Pro? Any limitations?
  4. For a test I want to switch the license on my notebook from Pix4Dbim to Pix4Ddiscovery and back, but deactivate is not possible. Why?
    (version > 4.0.11, 30-day online license check enabled)

Thanks for any feedback.


Hi Reto, 

To Switch your current license to discovery, you may log out from the software first.
Open the software now, and it will ask you to log in.
Enter your account and password, and select Discovery mode as the attached snapshot.


Here you may find the articles explaining the limitations of Pix4Ddiscovery:


Best Regards,


Thank a lot, Lisa.

And the download is just the normal “desktop” distribution, right?


A new user, can he

  • directly register and use the free Pix4Ddiscovery license or
  • does he have to request a free trail (14 days of free usage) and then continue in discovery mode


Hi Reto,


Yes, it’s the same download process.

The thing is, once a new user registers, a 14-day trial will be automatically activated.


Best Regards,
