Pix4Dcapture not triggering camera


I am using dji mavic 2 with iPad mini and pix 4d capture. During the flight in a double grid mission the drone jumped some lines or it flied in lines That were not inculed in the plan. It happened the last 2 weeks. Do you know what could couse this problem.

The common reason for non-uniform image acquisition is the loss of the connection during the flight. As a first step, I would suggest you go through all the basic checks and troubleshooting steps as it will solve most of the issues that can be encountered if properly followed.


I am using a grid mission with camera straight down to could wildlife for rangers in developing countries. The drone is an Anafi. During grid missions, the drone stops taking pictures after a while before finishing the mission. There is plenty of memory both in the phone and in the controller. Taking pictures manually works fine. Any ideas about what I do wrong? This is a very important tool for wildlife protection in Africa.
Thanks for helping out
Daan Vreugdenhil, PhD


The common reason for non-uniform image acquisition is the loss of the connection during the flight. As a first step, I would suggest you go through all the basic checks and troubleshooting steps as it will solve most of the issues that can be encountered if properly followed.


Hello. I still have two problems with pix4d capture using with dji mavic 2 pro. Firtly sometimes the drone jumps some flight lines. Secondly there is no camera preview while flyiing.

We have had the same issues on multiple flights with the Mavic 2 Pro and have had it even after going through all of the “basic checks and troubleshooting steps” there has to be other reasons. This issue just started happening and we have been using Pix4d since 2017 and this drone since 2019.

This has nothing to do with the drone losing connection with the RC if your settings are set to continue the mission if connection is lost. We use Litchi for our flight plans and it has preprogramed capture settings we add to the flight plan at say 2sec intervals that loads into the drone when you load the flight plan. Once the mission is running, even if we lose connection it continues the mission capturing the shots.

Two things to check why this may be happening which we had also solved sometime ago. Check that you are using as highspeed SD card posible and always do a full format of the card on your PC before flying. If you only do a quick format, it doesn’t actually erase the previous photos, it just untags them so they are invisible, then when it is capturing it first has to wipe some space to clean up space for the new images, and this can cause it to miss some shots