PIX4D trows out the GPS data from GoPro vid


Im facing a problem i cant seem to get around
I made a video with a GoPro hero 11 and i made sure the GPS was working.
When i load the vid it start creating pictures from the vid so i end up wit like 2300 pictures
After this is done and i proceed to the next step i get this error message

More than 80% of the image coordinates of camera model were the same and therefore the corresponding geotags have been discarded.

How do i fix this
Thnx in advance

Hi @t.ebben ,

This is expected when processing using a video. When using a video, the extracted frames will not have metadata.

How to use Videos for Processing - PIX4Dmapper

If you would like to use the geotags in the camera, you will need to capture images.
Here are the tips on how to capture and process images from GoPro cameras: Processing images from GoPro cameras.

Best regards,
Rosana (she/her)