PIX4D Matic Error - Extracción de Caracteristicas

I am processing a 3600ha field in Pix4D Matic obtained with an RTK drone and also placed some GCPs, but when performing the calibration I get this warning (in yellow or red) in the “Feature Extraction” stage.
Could someone tell me what causes this problem?

Estoy procesando en Pix4D Matic un campo de 3600ha obtenidas con drone rtk y coloque tambien unos GCPs, pero al realizar la calibración me surge esta advertencia (En amarillo o Rojo) en la etapa de “Extracción de Caracteristicas”.
Alguien podria indicarme a que se debe este problema?

Hi @raulmazzucco1 could you share the log file of your project please? if it’s orange, it’s usually only a warning, if it’s red then there is a real issue that stops the processing. The log file should have more info in it. You can get it in Help > Open project logs folder