Gentlemen of PIX4DMatic, I am carrying out road processing tests of 5 linear kilometers. In the software, when I place the GCPs, the error shows an average of 20 cm, which is something valid that I can pass, but when I export the dense point cloud and view it in other software, the error is greater than 1 meter. Because it appears correctly in the processing software and when exporting and working on it in other software it does not. Any recommendations please, since I want to work with pix4d Matic but the product does not agree with what pix4D Matic tells me.
Image 2: Visualizacion en otro software de edicion

Hi @cfabiant05

It’s strange that it doesn’t show the same. Can you tell more about the coordinate reference systems (CRS) you’ve set in PIX4Dmatic (GCP CRS) and in the third party software? I’d first double check that the CRS are the same in both.

Maybe you could share a quality report of your project too?


The configurations given in pix4D Matic are those adopted by default: WGS84/zone 18S + EGM2008 Heigt

The third-party software is cyclone 3DR and adopts the configurations of the exported product (no need to configure zone).

Processing report attached.
LLA_KM 00+000_KM 04+000_v1-quality_report.pdf (1.2 MB)

Thanks for sharing the report. I can see a few GCPs that have issues with up to 1.8m in vertical difference, I circled them in yellow:

I would double check the marks, i.e. check if the current marks are correctly placed and check if the reprojection (green cross) is exactly where it should be on the remaining images that see the point. If it’s not the case, I would add marks on those images, then Reoptimize the project (once all points were verified).

The processing steps seem to be “outdated”, indicating that something changed in the project since the results were processed. Once you modify the GCP marks, you’d need to Reoptimize the project and rerun the results:

I don’t know if you use checkpoints further down your workflow, but it may be useful to have GCPs and Checkpoints, so that you have points that are independent from the processing to verify the accuracy too.