Pix4d fields measurements?

Just produced set of data in fields. Can you tell me what the measurements relate to in Thermal multi spectral?


Are you using the Micasense altum? We are not sure if we understood your question correctly. Can you give more details regarding what you are trying to achieve and what issues you are facing?

I have taken rgb images of field. In the field software I have produced thermal and multi spec data.

At the bottom of the page there is an index. I am wanting to know what the measurements are? NDVI ? Height? 




Since you have only RGB images, you will not be able to produce thermal map. You can produce some indexes that uses only Red, green and blue bands. It seems this is the DSM (digital surface model) and the name has been edited. The unit is meter. You can get the unit written in the bar itself when you go to the left leaf-like symbol and select DSM from the drop-down. That dropdown only changes the color scale of the color bar but it is still the DSM.