Pix4D Fields Demo Issues

Couple questions:

  1. I am testing the Pix4D Fields and almost every time I open the program and tried to run a location the program crashes. When I try to run it again, it gives me an error as the Pix4Dfields.exe file has been erased.

How can I stop it from doing that?


  1. Is the demo version of Pix4D Fields the full version of the program? if not, what options am I missing?


Hi Edward,

  1. That might be a bug. I would recommend you to install the latest version which is being released tomorrow and give it a try (https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001122223-Pix4Dfields-release-notes). Uninstall it completely and reinstall

  2. The Demo is the full version. So you are not missing anything.