Pix4d Capture Maps provider for Android

Hi all.

Does anybody know a map provider that gives up to date images?
Google will be great but not free…
Anything else?
In my area (Sardinia, Italy) maps are like 10 years old…It’s veeery difficult to plan a flight in such conditions.

Hi Anthony,

I believe that we have implemented a feature on Android which would solve your problem of outdated basemaps: the possibility of using KML and KMZ files for mission planning.

In practice, this means you can create on Google Earth Pro:

  • a KML file containing a georeferenced polygon corresponding to the flight boundaries.
  • a KMZ file containing a georeferenced background image to use a base map. This KMZ file can additionally contain a polygon. 

Then, you can import these files in Pix4Dcapture.

For more information about the feature, check out this article.

Let me know if this helps you.