Photogrammetry with high tide drone imagery

Is there any workaround in Pix4D for photogrammetry of high tide drone imagery? Attached are sample images.

I tried several steps but the mapper is not able to write tie points in the images.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: Initialize calibration

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Warning]: No initial frame

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Error]: no blocks computed

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: Substep Camera calibration finished.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Error]: No calibrated cameras.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: Substep Report generation started.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: Read keypoints.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: Substep Report generation finished.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Error]: Error e0046: Processing failed. No calibrated cameras.

[2019.12.06 14:59:56][ 55%RAM][ 30%CPU][Processing]: ProjectLoaded

[2019.12.06 15:13:41][ 57%RAM][ 24%CPU][UI]: GCP/MTP Manager clicked.

Hi there! Welcome to the Pix4D community. In general mapping water is a difficult and often not supported application for photogrammetry. There are several reasons for this including sun glare, dynamic surface of water, and homogeneous texture are the main factors.

In applications with large water bodies we recommend collecting images which are at least 50% land and flying as high as is permitted. Processing at a lower image keypoint scale is also recommended. If possible you may want to try collecting the images on a cloudy day and flying higher. Even then there is no guarantee that the images can calibrate. That will simply give you the best chances of success.

Hi there,

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, that is always the case working with water in the imagery. I thought Pix4D might have some solutions in this area.


The suggestions I made above are your best bet for now.