Per pixel temperature on thermal orthomap


We have made a thermal orthomosaic from a set of images taken with a Zenmuse XT2.
Is it possible somehow to get the temperature on a certain pixel in the orthomosaic we made? Really good would be if we could export it somehow to a .csv with per pixel info. Is there any way to do that? If not with Pix4D so would for example Matlab be able to do that?

If it makes any difference that is our old camera and we will not be using it anymore because we have just gotten a Zenmuse H20T.

Many thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello @matbac,
You can generate the orthomosaic with each pixel with the temperature value using the Zenmuse XT2 camera. For more information, visit Processing thermal images.
You can’t export the pixel temperature as a .csv file using Pix4Dmapper, however, you should be able to export those values using Matlab or any GIS software.
Regarding your new Zenmuse H20T camera, I would suggest you to go through the below post,

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I managed to import and read the orthomosaic into matlab using their maptools toolkit. I’ll have to research better in their documentation how it is possible to get thermal data only, it should be doable if I exported it right.

But regarding H20T you surprised me. I see DJI has made an SDK available for their thermal camera. Does that mean you might support it fully in the future?