ortomosaico obtain facade

Hello, I made a 3D model of a building . I want to make a ortomosaico of stupidities , just as is done from above, to do this use a new ortoplano , but when generating the ortomosaico facade I get a projection of the facade but poorly in mesh mode , no photography. As I can perform correctly ortomosaico a facade ? And I can add points to climb as the facade, since I can not insrtar control points on the facade ? Thank you.

Hello Juan,

It is possible to make the orthoplane of a facade in Pix4Dmapper. We would recommend you to use version 2.2. or newer which has many improvements in the orthoplane generation algorithm. Also, if the background of the facade is projected in the results, you can annotate it and clean the output. You can find more information here: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/210226543.

Best regards,