Folks, there need to be somewhere other than manual scaling to set the scale of a PDF cad generated drawing to overlay on a site…
The manual method is eyeballing it is just gimmicky and serves no real purpose. How had would it be to implement this?
Folks, there need to be somewhere other than manual scaling to set the scale of a PDF cad generated drawing to overlay on a site…
The manual method is eyeballing it is just gimmicky and serves no real purpose. How had would it be to implement this?
Hi Cesar,
Thank you for your feedback. I have taken note of your request and will pass it on the our product development team.
As a side note, we encourage users to post feature requests here: Product feedback.
It is possible when you import your geospatial DWG or DXF to QGis.
After import it there you can export an ‘geospatial pdf’. When you import that PDF in Pix4dBim the position and scale is perfect!
You can try this till Pix4d comes with a full DWG/DXF overlay?..