NAD 83

My basemap was collected using NAD83 (horiz), vertical datum (NAVD88), Geoid 18 (GR80) ellip hight, Zone 5 (Southern Cal, Los Angeles) Epoch 2017.50. In GIS I use EPSG: 2229 (NAD83 CA, Zone 5. I have been testing different datums and the data is slightly off by 2-4ft by using my GIS basemap. Today I tried NAD83 (2011) EPSG: 6318 and the data was layered over the basemap seamlessly. While processing software using Pix4DMatic I noticed the corner states: NAD83 (2011) UTM Zone 11 EPSG: 6340. I am using Iphone 14 Pro, ViDOC RTK GNSS using California Spatial Reference Center data (Epoch 2017.50 realization).